Add it to the list of random things I make…

In this weird and uncertain time, I’m really grateful for the fact that I have the ability and resources to help people.

I started making these *non-surgical* face masks because duh…we’re supposed to wear masks. After word of mouth and a facebook post, a lot of people have been contacting me so I thought I should just do a post to answer all the questions!

These are simple, cotton masks with a filter pocket and with a behind-the-neck-tie-up-top option, as well as the elastic option. WHO KNEW ELASTIC WOULD BE A DELICACY IN 2020? I literally did not see that coming.

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In case you’re wondering

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About the masks

Like I said above, they’re pleated, cotton masks with a pocket for a filter. I don’t know everything about filters…ok I know nothing about filters, but I did find some replaceable filters for you!

I offer elastic or tie back. The elastics are adjustable by sliding the knots outward or toward each other, and I also just received stoppers I’m going to try.

When you place your order, I’ll email a confirmation and we can discuss if you have color preferences or want to choose from fabric swatches.ย 

Time frame

With the amount I have ordered thus far, each order can be done within a week. I’m not really sure, I’ve never run my own sweatshop before. Orders with more masks could day an additional day or 2.

For any orders coming in now, the wait will be 7-10 days.ย 

Again, first time sweatshop dictator here. We’ll figure it out.


Pricing these is hard! I don’t even want to charge…it’s not like you want to wear them! But materials cost $ so, for that sad truth, I must charge.

Adults $11
Children $8ย 

Shipping costs will be added to your total once I’ve shipped them. If you fill out the form and leave your address, I can check how much it would be!


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Let's get Started!

13 + 6 =

ps your email did go through, the success message is just writen in black and I can’t change it. You’ll get a confirmation email from me within probably an hour!ย 

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I want to give a huge shoutout to a few people supporting this whole sweatshop operation.ย 

1. The lovely little daughter of a dude I graduated with in a town I’ve never heard of has donated a lot…a loootttt of elastic for me to get through my current orders and probably more. She has a hair bands shop on Facebook called Kenzie Bandz and you have to check her out. She’s like 8 years old and sees that she has something that can help me help others…that’s insane. Insanely awesome.

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My mama โ™ฅ

This little project of mine wouldn’t even be possible without my mom being oh so supportive of my every obsession…aka getting me my sewing machine for Christmas. Oh and like everything else I do in life.ย 

I seriously don’t know how to adult without her.ย 

Love you!

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And of course…

Ruthie was and will always will be the most amazing person to have walked this earth. I have all her sewing stuff and guess what…some of the masks are sewn with Ruthie’s thread. YOU’RE WELCOME.

I’m not going to say these masks are priceless, but…you can’t put a price on that thread. Thanks, Ruthie ๐Ÿ’•

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