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Fall photography on the South Shore is magical. 

Outdoor family photos make for amazing holiday cards.

Marshfield (and surrounding towns) have some amazing spots to capture the fall/autumn feel we love about New England. Whether you want a field, a meadow, a park, or even the beach…fall photography is the best in Massachusetts. 

Local Fall Photos

Here are some photos from around the South Shore, mainly Marshfield, over the past few years! 


Don’t stress out over holiday cards.

2020 has been hard enough. Don’t make it harder on yourself! It’s already early September…aka November’s basically here and I can sense the frantic emails looking to book immediately now…I feel so bad for people when the holidays sneak up on them because life is hard and kids are hard and time passes and all of a sudden…you’re panicking because you only have a week to get photos and a card done and mailing and ahhhhhhhhh.

*ps I do design and I’m more than happy to help people get their cards done and ordered in time and under pressure. I even have a handy code you can use for a really good discount…Basic Invite is awesome…click here for more of their holiday cards*

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Fall photos book fast for photographers.

If you want to avoid all that nonsense, email me now to start the conversation. September’s pretty booked, but October’s looking flexible…for now. So many pretty places to get your holiday card photos done stress free if you plan it now.

Fall Photography Sessions!

9 + 9 =

We’ll get through this.

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